
57 year male with CVA

 57 M came to casualty with c/o generalised  weakness since 1 month ,fever since 1 week , altered sensorium since 3 days. HOPI: Since 1 month he has been complaining of generalised weakness. Since 15 days he has been feeling cold(even though it is summer) and has been switching off all the fans in the house.  He has been suffering with constipation since 10 days. Has not passed stools at all(confirmed by the attender) He did not take any medication for it He also complained of abdominal distension/bloating due to not passing stools. Since 1 week he has fever insidious in onset gradually progressive, high grade. Associated with body pains.Not Associated with chills and rigor. Not relieved with medication.Not associated with nausea, vomiting, burning micturition, headache. Since 3 days -he fell in the washroom two times(on 22/5/1023)and was not able to get up. When his family members found him, he had slurring of speech and altered sensorium.They took him to the Nalgonda government hospi